Peace Palace

Christiaan de Moor: Group portrait Hugo Grotius and contemporaries

In the 17th century historical scene, entitled IUS EST ARS BONI ET AEQUI, law is the art of good and equal, Hugo Grotius is portrayed with various contemporaries of his time, friends and enemies. Seen left to right: Christiaan de Moor (the artist), Piet Hein, Prince Maurits, Jan Pietersz, Coen, Johan van Oldebarnevelt, Justinus van Nassau, unknown, Hugo Grotius with his ‘Mare Liberum’, Prof Pynacker, Prof Swanenburch, Simon Stevin, Vossius, Jan de Groot, Rombout and Hoogerbeets. In the background the river IJ with ships and warehouses from the time of the VOC and the WIC.

Hugo Grotius (10 April 1583 - 28 August 1645) is also known as the ‘father of international law’. His most important works are ‘Mare Liberum’, about maritime law, and ‘De iure belli ac pacis‘ about the law of war and peace. The Peace Palace Library possesses a Grotius collection with the original publications of Hugo de Groot.

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