Peace Palace

College Tour with Guterres


The Dutch TV programme College Tour with UN Secretary General António Guterres as a guest of honour was filmed at the Peace Palace in december 2017.

The concept of the programme is that students can ask all kinds of questions to a famous guest. Both interviewer Twan Huys and the students that attended the filming of the show at the Peace Palace, asked many questions to the Secretary General about for instance his career, the current issues in the world and the future of the United Nations. The TV programme was broadcasted at Dutch public television channel NPO2 on Sunday 14 January. It is possible to watch the whole programme at the website of NPO. Spoken language: English. Subtitles: Dutch.

Visit of Guterres to Peace Palace

Secretary-General António Guterres visited the Peace Palace in The Hague on 22 December. He first of all made an official visit to the International Court of Justice that is housed at the Peace Palace, where he was received by President H.E. Judge Ronny Abraham, Vice-President H.E. Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf and Registrar H.E. Philippe Couvreur. The International Court of Justice is the principal juridical organ of the United Nations and the only principal organ of the UN that is located outside of New York. After his visit to the ICJ, the Secretary General gave a keynote speech at a seminar organised by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs that was the official kick-off of the membership of the Netherlands to the UN Security Council in 2018. Other speakers on the event that took place in the Great Hall of Justice of the Peace Palace, were Minister Halbe Zijlstra of Foreign Affairs and Minister Sigrid Kaag of Foreign Trade and Development. Watch the whole seminar on the YouTube channel of the Peace Palace. After this event, Guterres was the guest of honour in the tv programme College Tour that was filmed at the Peace Palace.

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